13/09/2021 12:00:46
OCCA is a professional body, internationally recognised as one of the leading technical organisations for individuals from the coatings & allied sectors. It is a growing body of more than 800 members, which provides both locally-based networking potential and a much wider interaction opportunity with members from around the world.
Paul officially took over from Graham Armstrong at the OCCA AGM which was held as a ‘hybrid’ event at Imperial War Museum North in Salford Quays. One of Pauls first appointments in his new role will be on a panel discussion at the UK Chemical Industries Supply Chain Expo where he will be discussing Product Realisation & Commercialisation.
“I am truly honoured to be taking on the Presidency of the Oil and Colour Chemists Association. We have a brilliant team in place of dynamic volunteers and contractors, and I am looking forward to working with them and continuing the excellent work we have been doing over the past three years under the strong leadership of our past President, Graham Armstrong.” Paul added “I am excited and very optimistic of a bright future for our Association, and I relish the challenges we will face as a cohesive team working with all our stakeholders to build on our strong position within the industry and deliver on “inspiring colour futures”.”
Steve Crossman, Chief Operating Officer of HMG Paints said of the appointment, “Everyone at HMG is incredibly proud of Paul and his appointment as OCCA President. Paul has been a key member of the HMG Team over the last 25 years and we couldn’t think of anyone better for this role, we know his drive and passion will help with the development of OCCA and its members.”
Within HMG Paints, Paul has recently taken over the role of Regulation and Compliance Manager. Utilising his extensive technical knowledge and industry wide contacts, Paul has been integral in ensuring compliance to new Brexit legislations along with managing the company’s response to raw material challenges presented by the COVID pandemic.
To find out more about The Oil & Colour Chemists’ Association (OCCA) visit, www.occa.org.uk.
If you require further information on the press release, please contact:
Gracienne Ikin or Stephen Dyson
HMG Paints Communications
gikin@hmgpaint.com or sdyson@hmgpaint.com
0161 205 7631
HMG Paints Ltd is a family-owned business situated in Manchester. Now the UK’s largest independent Paint Manufacturer, HMG are proud to work alongside customers to create the very best individual service and tailored solutions for them. With a broad spectrum of knowledge and expertise HMG boast a portfolio including wet paint, powder coatings and aerosols, covering virtually every type of surface imaginable. This is all backed by an extensive 90 years’ experience in developing pioneering coatings for a myriad of industries including; industrial, specialist industrial, automotive, commercial vehicle, defence, aerospace, wood finish, decorative, arts & craft, marine and rail.