29/09/2016 08:27:48
The UK’s largest independent paint manufacturer, HMG Paints, has moved to strengthen its position in Ireland with the appointment of Paul McGuinness as Sales & Technical Manager.
With 10 years technical experience in the coatings industry at PPG, Paul will be tasked with supporting HMG’s existing Irish distributor network and customer base whilst exploring new market opportunities in various sectors.
“From OEM to agriculture and construction equipment markets we see lots of opportunities for expansion in Ireland,” said HMG Managing Director, John Falder. “Paul’s technical knowledge made him the perfect person to lead our expansion in Ireland, and provide the support HMG customers are used to.”
HMG boast a varied portfolio of high quality products for a variety of industries, backed up by an extensive colour library. The Manchester based company has a long history in the Irish marketplace supplying coatings direct and working with long term distributors partners including, Autopaint Dundalk, Coachfinish in Belfast and Swifco Ltd.
If you require further information on the press release, please contact:
Gracienne Ikin or Stephen Dyson
HMG Paints Communications
gikin@hmgpaint.com or sdyson@hmgpaint.com
0161 205 7631