A - Z list of keywords and terms from the coatings industry.
Measure of the oil absorbed by pigments.
Proprtion of oil to resin in a binder.
The ability of a coating to hide or obliterate the substrate. Film thickness increases opacity, but performance and economics may demand high opacity at relatively low film thickness', such as in litho or gravure inks. Pigments are key to opacity, with different pigments offering different degrees of opacity, by virtue of their different light refracting (bending of light beams as they pass into or out of pigment particles) or light absorbing powers, but different media will also have some effect.
Surface effect that creates an appearance and texture like an orange peel.
Chemically based on or derived from hydrocarbons.
The transfer of liquids (water) through a coating or substrate.
Wasted coating which goes beyond the area being painted.
The presence of oxygen that reacts with alkyds to help the drying process; or react with substrate to create oxide layers.
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