For 2012, Movember organiser and HMG Marketing Manager, Stephen ‘Paddy’ Dyson, who will be growing some wispy whiskers himself, is hoping to recruit still more Mo Bro’s at the Collyhurst Road factory and raise even more funds for their nominated charity. “With the UK paint industry being so male dominated we want to raise awareness & money for a fantastic cause. Whilst also bringing the Mo’ back in fashion, even if it is only for one month.”
In this country, prostate cancer is the most common cancer amongst men, with 36,000 cases diagnosed annually, so the HMG lads have selected The Prostate Cancer Charity as their nominated cause. Donations can be made through our Movember Space, by going to http://mobro.co/HMGpaints
These Manchester Mo Bro’s will be encouraged by the knowledge that they are just part of a truly global movement, involving more than a million people in many countries around the world. To date the worldwide Movember movement has raised £184 million and the HMG guys – and the Mo Sista’s who are supporting them – are proud to be doing their bit.