14/04/2020 07:45:56
As of 14th April HMG Paints remain fully operational and paint and powder coatings continue to be available. At this time, we are continuing to provide our essential services to critical industries such as pharmaceutical packaging/health/transport/utilities/defence throughout the current situation.
HMG is taking the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic very seriously and our number one priority remains the safety and wellbeing of our staff, customers and suppliers.
As such we have taken the decision to adjust our business hours. As of Tuesday 14th April, HMG will be open from 7.15am until 4pm Monday to Thursday and 7.15am until 3pm on Friday.
The Sales Order office will be contactable via calling 0161 205 7631 or emailing sales@hmgpaint.com
We are also utilising our manufacturing knowledge and existing alcohol stocks to produce hand sanitiser. If you would like information on the sanitiser please email dcleary@hmgpaint.com. Priority will be given to essential services to critical industries such as pharmaceutical packaging/health/transport/utilities/defence throughout the current situation .
Coronavirus is creating uncertainty for many of us and we would like to assure you that we are working together with the UK Government, our industry body (The British Coatings Federation) & other industry partners to keep our services working as normal. We are regularly monitoring the situation as it evolves and are committed to providing continuity of services to all our customers.
Recent actions taken include, but are not limited to:
• Introducing segregation at our plants
• Regularly reviewing and updating our business contingency and continuity plans in line with professional guidance
• Increasing the frequency and scope of cleaning cycles at our facilities, equipment and vehicles, in order to reduce operational risk
• Following guidance on hygiene protocols
• Limiting face-to-face meetings in favour of digital communication
• Enabling employees to work from home, where possible
• Maintaining higher levels of stocks of raw materials and finished goods
• Our suppliers are supporting us with the availability of extra forecasted capacity for their products
In these difficult times, we remain continually focused on providing you with the excellent service and support you have come to expect of us, may we thank you for your loyalty.
Our representatives and technical support teams are still available via their normal contact methods and video calls can be facilitated.