Time To First Maintenance


The time to first maintenance of a product can be described as the length of time before rectification of the product is required. This does not mean the time elapsed to a point where the paint system has degenerated to a widespread breakdown.

19/05/2006 06:51:21
The time to first maintenance of a product can be described as the length of time before rectification of the product is required.

This does not mean the time elapsed to a point where the paint system has degenerated to a widespread breakdown. Maintenance must always be undertaken prior to significant deterioration of the paint system has taken place & before further surface re-preparation is required.

Maintenance of a paint system should always be seen to be preferred to rectification & re -reparation of a substrate, which may not be possible on site. Time to first maintenance for decorative or cosmetic reasons is a subjective decision and can only be made on site. This of course is not the responsibility of HMG Paints.

Any information given by HMG Paints about time to first maintenance must not be presumed to be a guarantee of the products life expectancy.

The life expectancy of a product cannot be given due to the following variable factors that are out of HMG Paints control:
  • Surface preparation
  • Application
  • Ambient temperature
  • Humidity
  • Drying conditions
  • Environmental exposure
  • Maintenance

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