HMG Guide To Achieving The Correct Colour


Achieving the right colour and shade can be difficult for many reasons. The HMG Colour Library has produced this guide to help you achieve the correct colour.

30/04/2013 15:06:20

Why Are Colours Sometimes Inconsistent?

colour wheel

  • Shade cards are subjected to environmental influences which can affect the colour over time. If you are observing a colour from a shade card, it might not match the master standard HMG holds of that colour!

  • Colour standards vary slightly throughout shade cards which are often printed inks (such as Pantones). This can be demonstrated by purchasing several versions of the same shade card and comparing the colours. These colours cannot always be matched in paint.

  • It isn't always clear which colour is required, especially when several variants of the same colour exist with each being slightly different in shade.

  • Batch cards can 'yellow' over time depending on the paint system, so batch to batch matching can result in a colour drifting from the standard colour.

  • Observing a colour match under a different illuminant can result in metamerism.

What Does HMG Do To Avoid Inconsistencies?

colour wheel

  • Every colour in HMG's library is standardised in
    digital format. This prevents environmental influences
    affecting the shade over time.

  • All our colours are allocated unique library codes
    prior to matching. This helps to avoid confusion over
    different shades with the same name.

  • Every colour we produce is measured against the
    standard using a spectrophotometer and is controlled
    within a tight tolerance.

  • Our batch cards are stored for up to 5 years in a
    dark storage area so previous batches can be
    observed when necessary.

  • All our colours are formulated with the least
    metameric pigment combination to ensure consistency
    throughout different illuminants.

What Should The Customer Do To Avoid Inconsistences? (End User)

colour wheel

  • Always use the same batch on the same job.

  • When ordering colours, try to be as specific as possible.

    • Ford Gentian Blue is not specific.

    • Ford Gentian Blue XSC1146 is specific.

  • Orders should be placed against standard codes (Ral 5010) or library codes (L25673), and contain the descriptive element(Gentian Blue). Placing orders against batch numbers should be avoided unless it must explicitly match that batch.

  • Ensure shade cards are accurate representations of the colour required. Wall charts are only a very 'rough' guide of what the shade actually looks like.

  • Be mindful that colour is very perceptive, and our
    interpretation of '1 shade lighter' might be different than yours.For all colours where a deviation from standard is required, please supply a physical sample.

What Should The Customer Do To Avoid Inconsistences? (Distributor)

  • Always order enough paint to ensure the same batch is used on the same job.

  • When mixing colours, please double check the formulation.

    • Is it the correct shade?

    • Is it a variant?

    • Is the correct measurement being used? Volume? Weight?

  • Are the weighing scales calibrated correctly?

    • Is the scale free of paint?

    • Paint can get inside grooves and affect the weighing process.

  • Has the paint been mixed sufficiently? Are all the tinters fully mixed into the product?

  • Are the tinters handled correctly? Are they regularly stirred to avoid settlement?

  • Has the product been mixed with recommended HMG materials?

    • Has the correct Thinner been used?

    • Has the correct Activator been used?

    • Have additional materials been added to the product?

  • Has the colour been observed in natural daylight? Sometimes colours might appear offshade under different illuminants. Unless explicitly specified, HMG match all our colours under natural daylight.

  • Has the colour been checked before use? Unless all of the previous points can be guaranteed, neither can the colour. We check all our colours, and we recommend customers check theirs too.

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