HMG First Thing Hand Sanitiser

HMG Paints Hand sanitiser logo

First Thing Sanitiser (Sanitizer) is based on a moisturising 70%+ Alcohol gel (Denatured Ethanol at 80% v/v and over 70% w/w).

Based on a World Health Organisation recommended formulation. Hand sanitiser Made in Britain

250ml bottles of First Thing Sanitiser are available in boxes of 24.

5L refills of First Thing Sanitiser are available to refill your bottles and save on plastic waste an eco-friendly option.

Request more information

If you'd like to place an order for the First Thing Sanitiser or you wish to enquire about the range please fill in the quick form.
Alternatively you can call us on 0161 205 7631, visit the HMG Paints shop or one of our distributors.

Where has it been used?

Care homes

HMG's First Thing Sanitiser has been used throughout the current coronavirus pandemic in care homes across the UK.


Used in schools throughout the North West to keep staff, pupils and parents hands sanitised throughout the day and when entering and leaving site.

NHS and emergency services

From hospitals to hospices,doctors surgeries to pharmacies, HMG's hand sanitiser has been keeping hands clean across the UK including Greater Manchester Police.

Businesses re-opening

Manufacturing, retail and restaurants, a few of the industries implementing hand sanitiser in to their day to day safety measures. Used as part of a new Covid-19 procedure within the work place, HMG's hand sanitiser has been used within organisations across the country. Giving staff members a personal bottle of hand sanitiser to keep on their desk gives reassurance within the work space. Having sanitiser stations at entry and exit points gives customers the reassurance that they can keep clean and sanitised.


HMG have distribution outlets across the UK offering the First Thing Sanitiser and welcome companies who would like to distribute the product to get in touch.

HMG First Thing hand sanitiser made in Britain

What are customers saying

"We are very grateful to HMG Paints Ltd for their kind donation of hand sanitisers to Dr Kershaw's Hospice. In these unprecedented times, our patients and staff's safety is paramount, the donation has contributed to our nurses being able to take all relevant precautions when providing necessary care within the community." Rebecca Bentham, Head of Income Development at Dr Kershaw’s Hospice

Product should be applied to hands and used for 30 seconds.

Children under the age of 6 years should be supervised when using this product.

Manufactured under ISO 9001:2015 standards.


Cosmetic Safety Assessment Report Number: PSC220-100-438

The product is notified on the Cosmetic Products Notification Portal under CPNP Reference: 3301052

Getting in touch.

To place an order or to find out more about HMG Paints get in touch via the details below.